A bunch of my friends and family members have V-day birthdays, and I ended up baking 45 cupcakes last week! The first batch was for my friend T, a huge Harry Potter fan. She was a patronus for Halloween, and can practically recite all of the books. So, I thought these golden snitch cupcakes would the perfect surprise for her birthday. These were banana-chocolate cupcakes frosted with yellow-dyed vanilla frosting with yellow decorating sugar. I printed .out the wings with tabs that I could stick into the cupcakes on thick paper. These flying snitches were the perfect addition to the pizza party we had for T at work--all we were missing was some butterbeer. One of our coworkers, who was Harry last Halloween and a real-life Harry doppelganger, reenacted the scene where Harry caught the snitch in his mouth ;-)
Aww man, didn't get to eat any of these!