Sunday, June 29, 2014


Hi Everyone!

It has been a goal of mine for a long time to start a blog, and here it finally is! My intention is to showcase a bunch of my food art...but since I do not get to bake and cook as often as I would like, I will post some other projects too. Check out the about my blog page to learn more about my goals for this blog!

To get us started, and in honor of the World Cup, I am going to start off with my futbol cupcakes. The concept was to emphasize the patchwork of the ball by giving each its own cupcake. These are simple eggless chocolate cakes with cream cheese frosting. Keep following the blog, as I will have posts about this super simple (partially out-of-the-box) recipe and my Zip-lock bag piping method in the coming weeks!

Go Team USA!